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Group Therapy

"The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on
being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself."

- Anna Quindlen

Schedule: TBD  

Cost:  $75/session (billed monthly)

Space is limited; please contact to reserve your space.

This is a weekly ongoing support group for women 35 and older who desire additional support in their mental wellness journey.  As an adult process group, the members are committed to personal growth and honesty in a challenging and safe space.  Group participation can aid in the following:

  • Collective growth and healing through shared experiences, 
  • Explore issues around connection with the hopes of improved relationships with self and others.
  • Practice expressing your thoughts and feelings aloud with others
  • Learn how to deal with conflict through here and now experiences that will aid in creating stronger interpersonal relationships.
  • Receive support from others

Schedule: Wednesdays – 1 pm to 2 pm  

Cost:  $75/session (billed monthly)

Space is limited; Please contact to reserve your space.

Are you a high-performing entrepreneur who struggles with anxiety?
Do you find being a high-performing entrepreneur that the stress of running a business leaves you feeling self-doubt?
Do you struggle with loneliness in your entrepreneurial journey?
Do you deal with procrastination when making decisions for your business?
Do you find that you are constantly seeking additional knowledge versus taking action in your business?

Being an entrepreneur can be exciting, liberating and life-changing. But it can also be stressful, lonely, and a rollercoaster of emotions.

Roller Coaster Boomerang GIF by Lake Compounce - Find & Share on GIPHY

According to research, entrepreneurs experience higher instances of stress, anxiety, depression and burnout than their counterparts. Our weekly ongoing support group is for entrepreneurs who desire support in navigating the mental challenges and complexities of being an entrepreneur. All participants must be committed to personal and professional growth and honesty in a challenging and safe space.

Participants will be interviewed and selected to participate in this group to ensure a carefully curated group of participants.

Group participation can aid in the following:

  • Identification of mental blocks
  • Overcoming fears and self-doubt
  • Addressing anxiety, perfectionism and procrastination
  • Improve mental health and be a top performer
  • Receive support from others

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