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Akili Wellness Services

Get answers to some of the questions that we know you are contemplating...

What’s the meaning of a name?

AKILI is the Swahili word for mind.
WELLNESS is the state of being in good health in all aspects of your life, especially as an actively pursued goal.

Our name was selected to intentionally relay the desire for clients to pursue whole person healthy living through the acquisition of wisdom and insight into their thinking, being, and relating in the world.  Thus, creating the space for our clients to mindfully show up whole, unapologetic and authentic in their lives.

Our vision is to be an innovative and integral part of healing in our community. 

Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming space for people heal holistically through the use of traditional and non-traditional health care treatments.

Copyright 2022-25 by Akili Wellness Services, LLC. All rights reserved.